Why newLisp? - Because it brings back the fun to programming!

Tru64Unix 4.x/5.x distribution

Binary Tru64Unix Distribution in SETLD format

NEWLISP92.tar.gz (648309 bytes)

First delete old newlisp packes with setld -d NEWLISP<XXX>. Then untar this package and run setld -l NEWLISP92 to install.

Files Needed To Create Binary Tru64Unix Distributions

newLISP contexts

The Contexts for Libraries The OpenGL contexts have been moved to the GL4newLISP website.

GTK programs

Peter's Comic Book Reader with GTK-server (revised for newLisp 10)        

Linux password manager with GTK-server (revised for newLisp 10)     

Linux CD player with GTK-server (revised september 2007)     

GTK IDE with GTK-server (revised march 2006)          

UDP Chat with GTK-server (revised for newLisp 10)          

E-Text Reader with GTK-server (revised for newLisp 10)          

Game of Life with GTK-server     

Mouse O'meter with GTK-server (revised for newLisp 10)               

RSS Header Reader with GTK-server (revised for newLisp 10)          

XForms programs (Linux/Solaris/BSD)

Unofficial XForms install package
The full XForms context (compliant with newLisp 10)
A clock program (compliant with newLisp 10)     

newLISP console programs

Base64 Decoding and Encoding (obsolete since newLisp 8.4.0)
ASCII to UTF-8 converter (revised for newLisp 10)
TCP Port Forwarder
The Famous OpenGL Demo
Binary Converter
Brainf*ck Interpreter
Windows FORK
Too valuable to throw away: a Quine (compliant with newLisp 10)
Unbeatable TicTacToe
Passing a PROXY-server
Play a sound module
Find missing parenthesis (revised for newLisp 10)
Pascal's Triangle (revised for newLisp 10)
LZW compression
ANSI escape codes
PC Speaker

My VIM stuff for newLISP (revised for newLisp 10) Installation of the icon:
  1. In VIM look for the runtimepath by submitting ':echo &runtimepath'
  2. Create a subdirectory "bitmaps" in one of the runtimepaths
  3. Put the icon in this newly created directory and restart VIM

Screenshot of a newLisp console program running within VIM:


To highlight emedded GTK commands in your newLISP program, just add this to the VIM syntax file:

syn match newlispSymbol "[Gg][TtDd][Kk][_][_a-zA-Z0-9]\+"

Last updated at december 28, 2008 - PvE.