#!/usr/bin/newlisp # # Simple newlisp CHAT program - using UDP protocol. # # September 4 2004 - January 2 2005 by peter@gtk-server.org # Adapted for GTK-server 1.2 at October 9, 2004 by PvE # Adapted for GTK-server 1.3 at December 9, 2004 by PvE # Adapted to GTK-server 2.0.6 and higher at January 20, 2006 # Adapted for newLisp 10 at December 28, 2008 - PvE. # # Requirements: newLisp 10 or higher # GTK-server 2.0 build 6 or higher # Linux, Windows2000/XP, MacOSX # # Features: - Full GTK2.x (1.0) # - Using scrolled text_view widget (1.0) # - Memorizes last entered configuration (1.0) # - Works on Linux and Win32 with same source code (1.0) # - Uses encryption of the actual chat (1.0) # --------------------------------------------------------- # - Uses extended formatting features of text_view (1.1) # - Able to have UDP or MultiCast communication (1.1) # - Notification if frame is lost (UDP mode) (1.1) # - Communication with GTK-server is UDP also (1.1) # - Fixed bug with encryption string (1.1) # - Fixed bug with inserting text (1.1) # - Fixed bug with getting time on Linux (1.1) # - Fixed bug with sending empty strings (1.1) # --------------------------------------------------------- # - Solved issue with closing bracket ')' in chattext (1.1b) # --------------------------------------------------------- # - Redesigned mainloop for GTK-server 1.2 (1.2) # - Code optimizations (1.2) # --------------------------------------------------------- # - Changed to STDIN communication interface (1.3) # - Fixed bug with adding IP addresses with first run (1.3) # - Fixed bug with sending double quotes (1.3) # --------------------------------------------------------- # - Changed widget layout and behaviour (1.4) # - Updated the ABOUT button (1.4) # - Added message confirmation (1.4) # - Enabled wrapmode in chatfield (1.4) # - Fixed potential bug with sending large texts (1.4) # - Fixed bug with scrolling of chat text (1.4) # - More code optimizations (1.4) # --------------------------------------------------------- # - Updated to GTK-server 2.0.9 and code optimizations (1.4b) # --------------------------------------------------------- # - Changed to embedded GTK :-) (1.5) # - Even more code improvemens (1.5) # - Changed to better async handling (1.5) # - Fixed stupid bug with (nil) (1.5b) # - Fixed bug when configfile is not available (1.5b) # --------------------------------------------------------- # - Small Adaptation for GTK-server 2.2.7 (1.5c) # - Corrected info in ABOUT dialogbox (1.5c) # --------------------------------------------------------- # - Adapted for newLisp 10 (1.6) # - Tested with MacOSX (1.6) # - Removed the obsolete 'integer' command (1.6) # # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # # USAGE # # The chatprogram is server and client at the same time. When somebody # sends a UDP DGRAM to your IP address, it will be displayed by the chat # program. # # You have to specify the IP address of the remote host in the upper entry, # with a port. For example: If you do not specify a # port, the default port 54000 is used. # # The specified port however is BOTH the remote port AND ALSO the local port, # where the chat program listens for incoming DGRAMS. So the port number # should be the same on both sides; also the encryption string must be the # same. # # It is possible to specify a multicast IP address (class D). This is an # address between and The chat program will # switch to multicast mode automatically. # # Changing an IP address will take effect after pressing in the # IP address field. # # Enjoy! # # Peter van Eerten # #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GTK # Import GTK-server and create global symbols for GTK function names (case ostype ("Win32" (import "gtk-server.dll" "gtk")) ("OSX" (import "libgtk-server.dylib" "gtk")) (true (import "libgtk-server.so" "gtk"))) # Now try to find GTK-server configfile (set 'cfgfile (open "gtk-server.cfg" "read")) (when (not cfgfile) (set 'cfgfile (open "/usr/local/etc/gtk-server.cfg" "read")) (when (not cfgfile) (set 'cfgfile (open "/etc/gtk-server.cfg" "read")))) # No configfile? Exit (when (not cfgfile)(println "No GTK-server configfile found! Exiting...")(exit)) # Create global GTK symbols (while (read-line cfgfile) (when (and (starts-with (current-line) "FUNCTION_NAME") (regex "gtk_+|gdk_+|g_+" (current-line))) (set 'func (chop ((parse (current-line) " ") 2))) (set 'lb (append {(lambda()(setq s "} func {")(dolist (x (args))(setq s (string s " " x)))(get-string (gtk s)))})) (constant (global (sym func)) (eval-string lb)))) (close cfgfile) (constant (global 'NULL) "NULL") #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GUI # # GUI definition # (context 'GUI) # Initialize and define window (define (setup) (gtk_init NULL NULL) (set 'win (gtk_window_new 0)) (gtk_window_set_title win "'UDP Chat 1.6'"}) (gtk_window_set_default_size win 350 350) (gtk_window_set_position win 1) # Prepare async events (gtk_server_connect win "show" "win") (gtk_server_timeout 100 win "show") # Setup IP address fields (set 'iplabel (gtk_label_new "'IP address:'")) (gtk_widget_set_usize iplabel 75 10) (gtk_misc_set_alignment iplabel 1.0 0.5) (set 'ipaddress (gtk_entry_new)) # Setup alias fields (set 'nicklabel (gtk_label_new "Nickname:")) (gtk_widget_set_usize nicklabel 75 10) (gtk_misc_set_alignment nicklabel 1.0 0.5) (set 'nickname (gtk_entry_new)) # Setup encryption fields (set 'enclabel (gtk_label_new "Encryption:")) (gtk_widget_set_usize enclabel 75 10) (gtk_misc_set_alignment enclabel 1.0 0.5) (set 'encryption (gtk_entry_new)) # Setup frame around edit fields (set 'frame1 (gtk_frame_new NULL)) # Setup buttons (set 'aboutbut (gtk_button_new_with_mnemonic "_About")) (gtk_widget_set_usize aboutbut 60 30) (set 'exitbut (gtk_button_new_with_mnemonic "_Exit")) (gtk_widget_set_usize exitbut 60 30) # Setup option box for server (set 'option1 (gtk_check_button_new_with_label "'Use sound'")) (set 'option2 (gtk_check_button_new_with_label "'Use time'")) # Setup frame around edit fields (set 'frame2 (gtk_frame_new NULL)) # Setup chatfield (set 'txtbuf (gtk_text_buffer_new NULL)) (set 'chatfield (gtk_text_view_new_with_buffer txtbuf)) (gtk_text_view_set_wrap_mode chatfield 1) (set 'sw (gtk_scrolled_window_new NULL NULL)) (gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy sw 2 1) (gtk_scrolled_window_set_shadow_type sw 1) (gtk_container_add sw chatfield) (gtk_text_view_set_editable chatfield 0) (gtk_text_view_set_wrap_mode chatfield 2) # Define text color and style tags - using color names from /usr/lib/X11/rgb.txt (gtk_text_buffer_create_tag txtbuf "normal style 0 NULL") (gtk_text_buffer_create_tag txtbuf "oblique style 1 NULL") (gtk_text_buffer_create_tag txtbuf "italic style 2 NULL") (gtk_text_buffer_create_tag txtbuf "centre justification 2 NULL") (gtk_server_redefine "gtk_text_buffer_create_tag NONE WIDGET 5 WIDGET STRING STRING STRING NULL") (gtk_text_buffer_create_tag txtbuf "black foreground black NULL") (gtk_text_buffer_create_tag txtbuf "blue foreground blue NULL") (gtk_text_buffer_create_tag txtbuf "red foreground red NULL") (gtk_text_buffer_create_tag txtbuf "green foreground DarkGreen NULL") # Define text entry (set 'entry (gtk_entry_new)) # Define DIALOG (set 'tmp (append "*** UDP Single- and Multicast Chat written in newLisp ***\r\r\tUsing newLisp " (string (sys-info -2)) " with GTK-server " (gtk_server_version) ".\r\r\tVisit http://www.gtk-server.org/ for more info!")) (set 'dialog (gtk_message_dialog_new win 0 0 2 (append {"} tmp {"}) "''")) # Put widgets to frames - frame1 (set 'h1box (gtk_hbox_new 0 0)) (set 'h2box (gtk_hbox_new 0 0)) (set 'h3box (gtk_hbox_new 0 0)) (gtk_box_pack_start h1box iplabel 0 0 1) (gtk_box_pack_start h1box ipaddress 0 0 1) (gtk_box_pack_start h2box nicklabel 0 0 1) (gtk_box_pack_start h2box nickname 0 0 1) (gtk_box_pack_start h3box enclabel 0 0 1) (gtk_box_pack_start h3box encryption 0 0 1) (set 'v1box (gtk_vbox_new 0 0)) (gtk_box_pack_start v1box h1box 0 0 1) (gtk_box_pack_start v1box h2box 0 0 1) (gtk_box_pack_start v1box h3box 0 0 1) (gtk_container_add frame1 v1box) # Put widgets to frames - frame2 (set 'h4box (gtk_hbox_new 0 0)) (gtk_box_pack_start h4box aboutbut 0 0 1) (gtk_box_pack_start h4box exitbut 0 0 1) (set 'v2box (gtk_vbox_new 0 0)) (gtk_box_pack_start v2box h4box 0 0 1) (gtk_box_pack_start v2box option1 0 0 1) (gtk_box_pack_start v2box option2 0 0 1) (gtk_container_add frame2 v2box) # Setup box framework to arrange widgets (set 'hbox (gtk_hbox_new 0 0)) (gtk_box_pack_start hbox frame1 0 0 1) (gtk_box_pack_start hbox frame2 0 0 1) (set 'vbox (gtk_vbox_new 0 0)) (gtk_box_pack_start vbox hbox 0 0 1) (gtk_box_pack_start vbox sw 1 1 1) (gtk_box_pack_start vbox entry 0 0 1) (gtk_container_add win vbox) # Show whole GUI (gtk_widget_show_all win) # Set focus (gtk_widget_grab_focus entry) # Allocate memory for text_iterator using random GTK function (setq myit (gtk_frame_new NULL)) ) # Put info into widgets (define (fill widget txt) (if (> (length txt) 0) (gtk_entry_set_text widget (append {"} txt {"}))) ) # Retrieve info from widgets (define (retrieve widget) (trim (gtk_entry_get_text widget) "\n") ) # Define callback signals (define (callbk) (gtk_server_callback "wait") ) # Define deletion of entry field (define (del_entry) (gtk_editable_delete_text entry 0 -1) (gtk_widget_grab_focus entry) ) # Define a newline (define (newline) (gtk_text_buffer_get_end_iter txtbuf myit) (gtk_text_buffer_insert txtbuf myit {"\r"} -1) ) # Define message routine using colors (define (info_msg str style1 style2) # Replace existing doublequotes and slashes (replace "\\" str "\\\\") (replace "\"" str "\\\"") (gtk_text_buffer_get_end_iter txtbuf myit) (gtk_text_buffer_insert_with_tags_by_name txtbuf myit (append {"} str {"}) -1 style1 style2 "normal NULL") (set 'mark (gtk_text_buffer_create_mark txtbuf "mymark" myit 0)) (gtk_text_view_scroll_to_mark chatfield mark 0 1 0.0 1.0) (gtk_text_buffer_delete_mark txtbuf mark) ) # Check if 'use sound' is active - 1: active 0:not (define (use_sound) (int (gtk_toggle_button_get_active option1)) ) # Activate sound (define (set_sound) (gtk_toggle_button_set_active option1 1) ) # Check if 'use time' is active - 1: active 0:not (define (use_time) (int (gtk_toggle_button_get_active option2)) ) # Activate time (define (set_time) (gtk_toggle_button_set_active option2 1) ) # Show ABOUT dialog (define (show_about) (gtk_widget_show dialog) ) # Hide ABOUT dialog (define (hide_about) (gtk_widget_hide dialog) (gtk_widget_grab_focus entry) ) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NET # # All networking stuff # (context 'NET) # Define default connection port (constant 'default-port 54000) # Define maximum amount of bytes to receive (constant 'default-size 1024) # Define UDP timeout (constant 'udp-timeout 3000) # How many times to wait for a confirm (constant 'confirm-attempts 10) # Define separator string (constant 'default-sep "---") # First setup of multicast or UDP socket on default interface (define (setup) (if (get_ip) (begin # Close existing sockets first (if (!= sockout nil) (net-close sockout)) (if (!= sockin nil) (net-close sockin)) # Parse IP address (set 'tmp (first (parse ipaddress ":"))) # Check on a multicast address (if (and (>= (int (first (parse tmp "."))) 224)(<= (int (first (parse tmp "."))) 239)) (begin # Setup multicast socket (set 'sockout (net-connect ipaddress udpport "multi")) (set 'sockin (net-listen udpport ipaddress "multi")) (set 'mode 1) (GUI:info_msg "Starting in multicast mode." "italic" "black") ) (begin # Setup UDP socket (set 'sockout (net-connect ipaddress udpport "udp")) (set 'sockin (net-listen udpport "" "udp")) (set 'mode 0) (GUI:info_msg "Starting in UDP mode." "italic" "black") ) ) ) ) ) # Change sockets when IP address is changed dynamically (define (dynamic) (GUI:newline) (GUI:info_msg "Target IP address changed." "italic" "black") (if (get_ip) (begin # Close existing sockets (if (!= sockout nil) (net-close sockout)) (if (!= sockin nil) (net-close sockin)) (set 'tmp (first (parse ipaddress ":"))) # Check on a multicast address (if (and (>= (int (first (parse tmp "."))) 224)(<= (int (first (parse tmp "."))) 239)) (begin # Are we in UDP mode? (when (= mode 0) (GUI:info_msg " Switching to multicast!" "italic" "black") (set 'mode 1) ) (GUI:del_entry) # Setup multicast socket (set 'sockout (net-connect ipaddress udpport "multi")) (set 'sockin (net-listen udpport ipaddress "multi")) ) # No multicast address, setup UDP (begin # Are we in Multicast mode? (when (= mode 1) (GUI:info_msg " Switching to UDP!" "italic" "black") (set 'mode 0) ) (GUI:del_entry) # Setup UDP socket (set 'sockout (net-connect ipaddress udpport "udp")) (set 'sockin (net-listen udpport "" "udp")) ) ) ) ) ) # Get ip address and port (define (get_ip) (if (!= (regex "[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}" (string (GUI:retrieve GUI:ipaddress))) nil) (begin (set 'ipaddress (first (parse (GUI:retrieve GUI:ipaddress) ":"))) (set 'udpport (last (parse (GUI:retrieve GUI:ipaddress) ":"))) (if (or (= ipaddress udpport) (= udpport "")) (set 'udpport default-port)(set 'udpport (int udpport))) true ) nil) ) # Get nickname (define (get_name) (if (< (length (string (GUI:retrieve GUI:nickname))) 1) nil (set 'nick (GUI:retrieve GUI:nickname)) ) ) # Get encryption (define (get_enc) (if (< (length (string (GUI:retrieve GUI:encryption))) 1) nil (set 'code (GUI:retrieve GUI:encryption)) ) ) # Send to other side (define (send) # Check existence of socket (if (= sockout nil) (setup)) # Setup check (set 'check 0) # Check if IP address is available (if (not get_ip) (begin (GUI:newline) (GUI:info_msg "Please specify an IP address!" "italic" "normal") ) (inc check) ) # Check if Nickname is available (if (not get_name) (begin (GUI:newline) (GUI:info_msg "Please specify a nickname!" "italic" "normal") ) (inc check) ) # Check if Encryption is available (if (not get_enc) (begin (GUI:newline) (GUI:info_msg "Please specify an encryption!" "italic" "normal") ) (inc check) ) # Did we pass all 3 checkpoints? (if (= check 3) (begin # Get the chatted text (set 'tmp (GUI:retrieve GUI:entry)) # Check if there was really some text (if (> (length tmp) 0) (begin (set 'send-text (encrypt (append (GUI:retrieve GUI:nickname) default-sep (slice tmp 0 default-size)) (GUI:retrieve GUI:encryption))) # Send chat away (net-send-to ipaddress udpport send-text sockout) # Set large timeout in case UDP travels far (set 'counter 0) (do-until (or (= counter confirm-attempts)(net-select sockin "read" udp-timeout)) (inc counter)) # Reap all available data from socket, only last read counts (if (net-select sockin "read" 3000000) (set 'rec (net-receive-from sockin default-size))) # If really no data then message may be lost (if (or (= rec nil) (!= (first rec) (encrypt (append (GUI:retrieve GUI:nickname) default-sep tmp)(GUI:retrieve GUI:encryption)))) (begin (GUI:newline) (GUI:info_msg "No response. Message may be lost." "black" "italic") ) ) # Put sent text to widget (GUI:newline) (if (= (int (GUI:use_time)) 1) (GUI:info_msg (append "[" (nth 3 (parse (date) "[ ]+"0)) "] ") "red" "normal")) (GUI:info_msg (append " " (GUI:retrieve GUI:nickname) ": ") "blue" "normal") (GUI:info_msg tmp "green" "normal") # Find out if sound is used, if so, play BELL (if (= (int (GUI:use_sound)) 1) (println (char 7))) # Empty entry & put focus here (GUI:del_entry) ) ) ) ) ) # Define UDP sniffer (define (retrieve) # Check existence of socket (if (= sockin nil) (setup)) # Ip address and encoding filled in? Yes, now sniff UDP (if (and (get_ip) (get_enc)) (begin # Wait for incoming UDP DGRAMS (if (net-select sockin "read" udp-timeout) (begin # Receive chatstring on IP:port (set 'tmp (net-receive-from sockin default-size)) # Send away immediately to sender as confirmation (when in UDP mode and if received != sent) (if (and (= mode 0) (!= (first tmp) send-text)) (net-send-to (nth 1 tmp) udpport (first tmp) sockout)) # Decode to human readable strings (set 'result (parse (encrypt (first tmp) (GUI:retrieve GUI:encryption)) default-sep)) # Isolate contents from IP address (set 'tmp (string (last result))) # Put contents in widget (GUI:newline) (if (= (int (GUI:use_time)) 1) (GUI:info_msg (append "[" (nth 3 (parse (date) "[ ]+"0)) "] ") "red" "normal")) (GUI:info_msg (append " " (string (first result)) ": ") "blue" "normal") (GUI:info_msg tmp "green" "normal") # Find out if sound is used, if so, play BELL (if (= (int (GUI:use_sound)) 1) (println (char 7))) ) ) ) ) ) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CFG # # All configuration stuff # (context 'CFG) # Read configfile if exists (define (read_cfg) (set 'config (open "chat.cfg" "read")) (unless (= config nil) (while (read-line config) (set 'data (parse (current-line) " ")) (if (= (first data) "ipaddress") (GUI:fill GUI:ipaddress (string (last data))) (= (first data) "nickname") (GUI:fill GUI:nickname (string (last data))) (= (first data) "encryption") (GUI:fill GUI:encryption (string (last data))) (and (= (first data) "sound") (= (last data) "1"))(GUI:set_sound) (and (= (first data) "time") (= (last data) "1")) (GUI:set_time) ) ) (close config) ) ) # Create configfile when exiting (define (write_cfg) (set 'config (open "chat.cfg" "write")) (write-line config (append "ipaddress " (GUI:retrieve GUI:ipaddress)) ) (write-line config (append "nickname " (GUI:retrieve GUI:nickname)) ) (write-line config (append "encryption " (GUI:retrieve GUI:encryption)) ) (write-line config (append "sound " (string (GUI:use_sound))) ) (write-line config (append "time " (string (GUI:use_time))) ) (close config) ) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAIN # # Main program # (context 'MAIN) # Setup GTK and GUI (GUI:setup) (CFG:read_cfg) (NET:setup) # Mainloop (while (and (!= event GUI:exitbut) (!= event GUI:win)) # Get callback signal (set 'event (GUI:callbk)) # Dynamically change socket if necessary (if (= event GUI:ipaddress) (NET:dynamic)) # Check if something was sent (if (= event GUI:entry) (NET:send)) # Check if ABOUT button was pressed (if (= event GUI:aboutbut) (GUI:show_about)) # Check if ABOUT dialog must be closed (if (= event GUI:dialog) (GUI:hide_about)) # Check if something has arrived (NET:retrieve) ) # Save configuration (CFG:write_cfg) # Exit newLisp (exit)